Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Update: May 2023

Hi everyone –


Something that I had always dreaded is done … and it wasn't so bad!


I have no hair.


It started falling out, in ones and twos and then more, yesterday and during the night. By this morning, it felt like it wasn't really part of me any more. I had an agreement with our wonderful hairdresser that, when the time came, I would go there for her to shave it off. So that's what we did.


Still getting used to this. I'll share a photo when I'm more adept at using hats and head covers. (I'm not doing the literally bareheaded look.) In the mean time, here's a "before" photo – by Gail – of Muizenberg, a rainbow and me, when we went there briefly this morning and I walked a little.


Lots of love to all of you ðŸŒ¹❤️ 


5 May 2023

Just thought I'd share my first try-out.

9 May 2023


Hi everyone –


Today is my second chemo treatment.


My blood counts (which were done as soon as I arrived at the hospital this morning) show that I am ready for it.


I'm now on my assigned bed in the haematology day ward (which is part of the overall ward that contains “my” room with a view), waiting my turn for them to start the chemo. Once that is done, the drip will be in for about 6 hours. This is the process that I mostly slept through, three weeks ago! It seems that they include something to make one drowsy. But if I don't sleep, I'll read.


And so Cycle 2 begins ...


Lots of love to all of you 🌹❤️


I slept through most of it.

11 May 2023


Hi everyone, on Day 3 of Cycle 2.


Thanks for all your encouragement and support!


Today is a duvet day, helped along by cold, wet weather (and often being pinned down by Layla). Compared to this day last time, I'm doing really, really well! No major pain, and once again the anti-nausea meds have me well covered. Just tired, and needing this rest.


Yesterday, after a rather wobbly start, I went for the usual Day 2 injection at the hospital, and then the steroids kicked in and Gail and I did some shopping – my first time in forever! I think I overdid it a bit, but no regrets in the end – just extra rest, now.


I sometimes joke with the haematology people that they're trying to change my DNA! But actually, as I was reminded by someone close to me today, Paracelsus said: “What is there that is not poison? All things are poison and nothing is without poison. Solely the dose determines that a thing is not a poison.” Which is exactly why I have to have cycle after cycle, to make sure the dose is right each time. And so we go on.


Lots of love to all of you 🌹❤️


(PS: Gail is concerned that I gave the wrong impression about the shopping – it was mostly at the pharmacy to get some meds and a couple of other things, but I did also pop into a couple of other shops in the mall, including the one for spare batteries for my bottle lights.

15 May 2023


Hi everyone - I've just been for my Day 7 check-in at the Haematology unit.


(Photo: some sort of proteas at the entrance to the hospital.)


In general, they're happy with how I'm doing, although my haemoglobin is a little low so I'll be going there again on Wednesday to see whether it's gone up or whether I need a transfusion (this is all quite normal at this stage - nothing to worry about).


I'm now in the quarantine week, so no visitors at the moment (it's a bit paradoxical that I'll be allowed to walk around in the hospital in two days' time, but anyway ...).


Lots of love, always 🌹❤️

17 May 2023


Hi again - I went for the extra check at the hospital, and I don't need a transfusion. So I just need to keep safe at home.

It's the kind of day to stay cosy inside (the sunny photo is from the hospital entrance, a few days ago).

Here's hoping you're all keeping warm or cool (depending on which hemisphere you're in)!


Lots of love 🌹❤️

24 May


Hi everyone - just letting you know that I continue to do well.


Here's the link to some photos from Muizenberg (Gail and Neria trotted; I ambled) on Wednesday before the current cold snap.



Lots of love to all of you. 🌹❤️

30 May


Hi everyone!


Today is chemo day - Cycle 3. It's a real duvet day in Cape Town! Conducive to snuggling up and letting it all happen.


Once again, I'm sitting in bed in the day ward, waiting for my turn to be hooked up (there are still several people before me). Today's blood counts show that I'm ready for the chemo, and at the same time my haemoglobin level is being monitored - it's possible that I will be admitted for a transfusion when I return for my Day 2 injection tomorrow.


I have continued to feel well and to have some energy - Gail and I even managed to do some of the unpacking from our move, which had been interrupted by my health crisis!


Lots of love to all of you, as always. 🌹❤️

31 May


Thanks for all the lovely messages of support after yesterday's message!


How it went (long story alert, but no major issues):


Well, that was a little different from expectations!


My turn came very late, and then it turned out that I had (unwittingly) not quite obeyed protocol, so I had to take a short walk with my first drip to the hospital's main reception to check in formally and get my hospital stickers, which also involved waiting my turn. (I think I must draw a flowchart for myself, for next time!) This added some time to the process.


When Danie popped in while the chemo was in progress, he told me that he'd decided that I should have a blood transfusion today. What with the lateness of the chemo (which ended after 8pm), the decision about the transfusion, and the fact that it was a particularly cold and wet evening, the nursing sisters offered that I could simply stay put and sleep over in the day ward. I eventually decided to do that, and slept in my clothes as I had left my overnight bag in Gail's car (we'd thought I wouldn't need it). She even offered to bring it, but I dissuaded her from driving around in that weather!


I also had no more charge in my cellphone, so it switched itself off.


This morning, we were able to start the transfusion early, as I was now first in the queue.


Gail visited with my charger and a few other things that I needed, and this afternoon she'll fetch me to go home.


I'm still feeling fine - hope it lasts!


Lots of love 🌹❤️